TM 9-2320-280-10Table 2-2. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont’d)LocationItemItem toCrewmemberNot Fully MissionNo.IntervalCheck/ProcedureCapable if:ServiceDRIVER25After Left SideWARNINGTires Operating a vehicle witha tire in an underinflatedcondition or withquestionable defect maylead to premature tirefailure and may causeequipment damage andinjury or death topersonnel.Visually check tires for under- Tire deflated orinflation, cuts, gouges,otherwise unser-cracks, or bulges.viceable.Remove all penetratingobjects.DRIVER26AfterMirrorNOTE(Left Side) Vehicle operation withdamaged or missingoutside rearview mirrorsmay violate AR 385-55.Check mirror for presence,cracks, and serviceability.DRIVER27AfterLeft Front,NOTESideIf leakage is detected,Exteriorfurther investigation isneeded to determine thelocation and cause of theleak.a. Visually check underneath a. Any brakevehicle for evidence of fluidfluid leak; Class IIIleakage.leak of oil, fuel, orcoolant.2-79
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