TM 9-2320-280-10Change 12-75ItemNo.IntervalCrewmemberProcedureNot Fully MissionCapable If:Table 2-2. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont’d)LocationItem toCheck/Service16BeforeWeaponb. (Armament carriers only).b. Armament weaponsStation Check armament mounting plate required for mission: (Cont’d)and bearing sleeve for securityMounting plate or of mounting and obvious damage bearing sleeve missingthat would impair operation.or any damage that will prevent or impair mounting of armament weapons.c. (TOW vehicles only). Checkc. Level vial is inclinometer for proper opera- broken or no bubbletion. Check level vial for breaks is present.and/or bubbles.DRIVER17DuringControlsa. Monitor all gauges.a. Engine oilandpressure gauge readsIndicatorsless than approx-imately 40 psi(276 kPa) undernormal driving con-ditions or less than 6 psi (41 kPa) at idle.Coolant temperaturegauge reads greaterthan 230°F (110°C).Air restriction gaugeindicates restrictionin the air cleaner.Voltmeter indicates aloss of voltage.b. Check speedometer operation.DRIVER18DuringBrakesCheck brakes for pulling orBrakes pull or grab.grabbing.DRIVER19DuringSteeringBe alert for excessive sway,Handling is unsta-leaning to one side, or unstable ble; turning ishandling. Check steering difficult or free response for unusual free play, binding, orplay, binding, or shimmy.shimming detected.DRIVER19.1 DuringAccelerator Check response to acceleratorPedal sticking orPedalfeed. Check for sticking or binding.binding pedal.
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