TM 9-2320-280-10Change 12-83ItemNo.IntervalCrewmemberProcedureNot Fully MissionCapable If:Table 2-2. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont’d)LocationItem toCheck/ServiceDRIVER32AfterRightNOTEFront,If leakage is detected, Sidefurther investigation is Exteriorneeded to determine the location and cause of the leak.a. Visually check underneatha. Any brake fluidvehicle for evidence of fluid leak; class III leak of leakage.oil, fuel, or coolant.b. Visually check halfshaftcv boots and ball joint bootsfor presence of rips, tears,cuts.c. Inspect frame crossmem-c. Crossmembers orbers and underbody supportunderbody supportfor missing hardware, cracks,are missing anybends, and breaks. Notify unit hardware, broken, maintenance if rust is presentcracked, or if a bentbut the base metal is sound.or rusted-through condition is presentthat would affectvehicle operation.d. Visually check front andd. Any damage thatright side of vehicle for obvi-will prevent opera-ous damage that would im-tion.pair operation.DRIVER33AfterEngine OilCAUTION• Do not permit dirt,dust, or grit to enterengine oil dipstick tube.Internal engine damagewill result if engine oilbecomes contaminated.• Do not overfill enginecrankcase. Damage toengine will result.
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