Table 2-1. Unit Level Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services HMMWV (Cont'd)ITEMNO.INTERVALITEM TO BEINSPECTEDPROCEDURES30AnnuallyElectricalInspect all wiring and wiring harnessBroken, frayed, splitWiringfor frays, splits, missing insulation, orwires or harness.poor connections. Repair any wornwiring (para. 4-85). If wiring cannot berepaired, notify DS maintenance.30.1AnnuallyEngineObserve engine and vehicle operationVehicle fails to operateRunningfor rough idle, rough running, lackproperly.Testof power, and unusual noise orvibration (para. 2-18).30.2AnnuallyTransmission Perform AOAP sample. 31Biennially TransmissionTM 9-2320-280-20-12-26Change 1NOT FULLY MISSIONCAPABLE IF:CAUTIONUse Dexron® II or Dexron® III for3L80 transmission. Use only Dexron®III for 4L80-E transmission. Failure touse only Dexron® III for 4L80Etransmission will cause damage totransmission.NOTE• Change fluid every 12,000 miles(19,300 km) or biennially, whicheveroccurs first (para. 5-2a). Inspecteither 3L80 or 4L80-E transmissiondrainplug for metal particles.• Replace transmission oil filter eachtime transmission is drained. Fill3L80 transmission with 6 quarts(5.7 L) of Dexron® II or Dexron® III.Fill 4L80-E transmission with 7.7quarts (7.3 L) of only Dexron® III. Inarctic conditions, use OEA in bothmodel transmissions.CAUTIONUse Dexron® II or Dexron® III for3L80 transmission. Use only Dexron® III for 4L80-E transmission.Failure to use only Dexron® III for4L80E transmission will cause damageto transmission.NOTE• Oil and oil filter will be changed whenthey are known to be contaminated,clogged, or when service isrecommended by AOAP laboratory.• Replace transmission oil filter eachtime transmission is drained. Fill3L80 transmission with 6 quarts(5.7 L) of Dexron® II or Dexron® III.Fill 4L80-E transmission with 7.7 quarts (7.3 L) of only Dexron® III.In arctic conditions, use OEA in bothmodel transmissions.
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