Table 2-1. Unit Level Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services HMMWV (Cont'd)ITEMNO.INTERVALITEM TO BEINSPECTEDPROCEDURES26Semi-ArcticInspect all fuel lines for loose connec-Any class III leak.AnnualWinterization tions, splits, cracks, and bends thatKit and/orcould cause leaks. Tighten loose connec-Troop/Cargo tions and replace damaged parts.WinterizationKit27Semi-Final RoadCheck vehicle for proper operation Vehicle fails to operateAnnualTestand performance.properly.28AnnuallyFuelReplace filter element every 6,000Systemmiles (9,600 km) or annually, which-ever occurs first. Replace water sepa-rator element if unserviceable (para.3-33).29AnnuallyAir-IntakeTest CDR valve (para. 3-9).System29.1AnnuallyDustVisually inspect dust unloader forDust unloader missing orUnloaderpresence and for cuts, tears,has cuts, tears, obstruc-obstructions, worn areas, enlargedtions, worn areas, gap, or if center opening exceedsenlarged gap, or if center1/8 in. (3.175 mm).opening exceeds 1/8 in. (3.175 mm).TM 9-2320-280-20-1Change 12-25NOT FULLY MISSIONCAPABLE IF:NOTEIf Annual/Biennial Service is beingperformed, then Final Road Test willbe completed after last Annual/Biennial task is complete.
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