TM 9-2320-280-20-1
a. This section provides information to diagnose and correct malfunctions of the electrical/mechanical
b. Principles of operation showing system operation can be found in chapter 1. It should be used as a
reference when performing electrical/mechanical troubleshooting.
c. Each malfunction symptom given for an individual component or system is followed by step(s) you should
take to determine the cause and corrective action you must take to remedy the problem.
d. Before taking any action to correct a possible malfunction, the following rules should be followed:
(1) Question operator to obtain any information that might help you determine the cause of the problem.
(2) Never over look the chance that the problem could be of simple origin. The problem could be corrected
with minor adjustment.
(3) Use all senses to observe and locate troubles.
(4) Use test instruments or gauges to help you determine and isolate problem.
(5) Always isolate the system where the malfunction occurs and then locate the defective component.
(6) Use standard automotive theories and principles when troubleshooting the vehicles covered in this manual.
e. The STE/ICE-R is an integral part of these troubleshooting procedures. It should be used whenever
possible, although other options are given, when available. The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
assigned to the M998 series vehicles is 21 (14 is the temporary VIN). On page 2-753, you will find
information on STE/ICE-R description and operation. Use this information to become familiar with
STE/ICE-R operation and the equipment contained in the test set. On page 2-763 you will find STE/ICE-R
setup and internal checks. These must be performed prior to performing tests.