6-12. GEARED HUB SPINDLE BEARING ADJUSTMENT (Cont'd)TM 9-2320-387-24-16-36Change 1NOTEFor new configuration, two locktabs on lockwasher must be bentaway from retaining nut for removal.3.Bend locktab(s) (5) on lockwasher (2) away from retaining nut (3).4.Using retaining nut wrench, remove retaining nut (3) and lockwasher (2) from spindle (1). Discardlockwasher (2).NOTEIf four-slotted retaining nut TN-07 is present, it is recommendedto replace it with eight-slotted retaining nut 12342680.5.Apply grease to face of retaining nut (3) and install lockwasher (2) and retaining nut (3) on spindle (1).6.Using retaining nut wrench, tighten retaining nut (3) to 35-45 lb-ft (47-61 N•m).7.Rotate spindle (1) five full rotations clockwise and five full rotations counterclockwise to properlyseat bearings.8.Loosen retaining nut (3) until it is finger-tight, then retighten nut to 23-27 lb-ft (31-37 N•m).WARNINGEnsure locktab on lockwasher is bent completely into slot onretaining nut. Eight-slotted retaining nut provides additionalsecurity by enabling two locktabs on lockwasher to be bent intoslots on retaining nut. Failure to do this may cause injury topersonnel or damage to equipment.NOTE• For new configuration, two locktabs on lockwasher must bebent into slots on retaining nut.• It may be necessary to slightly loosen or tighten retaining nutto gain proper alignment with locktabs.9.Determine which locktab(s) (5) on lockwasher (2) aligns with slot(s) (4) in retaining nut (3). Bend locktab(s) (5) into slot(s) (4) on retaining nut (3).132234542345RETAINING NUTWRENCHNEWCONFIGURATION
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