TM 9-2320-280-20-3
Change 1
34. Cut electrical wire (2) to length as shown.
35. Connect two terminal lugs (1) on wire (2).
36. Install wire (2) and tip jack lead (3) marked 5 on mount hole (10) on mini-box bottom section (9) with
washer (11), screw (7), and nut (8).
37. Connect wire (2) to terminal strip (4) marked D with screw (5).
38. Connect tip jack lead (3) marked 1 to terminal strip (6) marked H with screw (5).
39. Connect tip jack lead (3) marked 3 to terminal strip (6) marked B with screw (5).
40. Connect tip jack lead (3) marked 4 to terminal strip (6) marked C with screw (5).
41. Connect tip jack lead (3) marked 6 to terminal strip (6) marked A with screw (5).
42. Using existing drive pin, punch out four screw mount holes (14) in mini-box top section (12).
43. Install plug (16) and connector (15) as shown.
44. Install mini-box top (12) on bottom section (9) with four existing screws (13).
Figure D-113. Test Module Assembly (Contd).