TM 9-2320-280-20-2
Change 2
6. Remove cap (9) from battery terminal boot (7) and clean lubricating oil from battery terminal
boot (7).
7. Remove nut (5), screw (1), and cables (2), (3), and (4) from terminal clamp (6) and battery box (8).
1. Position cable (2) in approximate mounting location through hole in battery box (8).
2. Install cables (4), (3), and (2) on terminal clamp (6) with screw (1) and nut (5).
3. Fill battery terminal boot (7) with lubricating oil.
4. Install cap (9) on terminal boot (7).
5. Install cables (2) and (3) and clamps (16) and (21) on bracket (22) and body (18) with washer (20),
screw (19), lockwasher (23), nut (24), and screw (17).
6. Install clamp (13) and cables (2) and (3) on stud (15) with washer (10), lockwasher (11), and
nut (12).
7. Install six tiedown straps (14) on cables (2), (3), and (25).
8. Install cables (2) and (3) on stud (26) with clamp (27), washer (28), lockwasher (29), and nut (30).
9. Install cable (2) on regulator (31) with washer (33) and nut (32). Tighten nut (32) to 18-22 lb-in.
(2.0-2.5 Nm). Slide rubber boot (34) on nut (32).
d. 12-Volt Regulator Cable Installation