TM 9-2320-280-20-1
Governor no-load speed is
with the transmission in
neutral. Loaded speed is
with the transmission in
gear and the vehicle moving.
It is the maximum rpms the
engine will develop. The engine
will surge at governor speed
since the governor will try to
lower the engine speed and the
accelerator is trying to increase it.
A number over 75 is passing for STE/lCE-R
test 13. tf the vehicle seems to be low on
power while driving you have to check for
other things which could cause this such
as the transmission.
To try a road test, accelerate the vehicle
from 0 to a safe and reasonable speed on
a reasonably level road.
If the exhaust is not colorless it must
be either white, blue or black. If
exhaust color is:
WHITE . . . . . . . . . . Go to G, Page 2-122. Also could be injector timing. Notify DS maintenance.
BLUE . . . . . . . . . . . . Blue smoke is a sign of oil entering the combustion
chambers. It usually enters pest the piston rings or intake
valve stem seals. This is an internal engine problem that
can't be handled at this level of maintenance. You may
want to run the Engine Running Mechanical tests, Page
2-47, before you notify DS Maintenance.
BLACK . . . . . . . . . Air lntake/exhaust, Page 2-137.