TM 9-2320-280-10
c. NBC System Operation.
(1) Activate the collective NBC protection system by positioning the NBC
control switch (2) on the NBC control box (1) to the "ON" position. The M1A1-19
precleaner/particulate unit blower should engage.
(2) M25 series protective mask (10): remove protective cap (3) from heater
outlet (4) and connect either the six or nine foot air hose (8) to canister
coupling (9). Connect hose coupling (7) to the heater outlet (4).
(3) M13 series patient protective mask (11): mask the patient with the M13
series mask (11). Connect either the six or nine foot air hose (8) to adapter (13) and
connect adapter (13) to protective mask facepiece (12). Remove protective
cap (14) from the heater outlet (15) and connect hose coupling (7) to heater
outlet (15).
(4) Turn heater control (6) to "WARMER" and adjust to desired heat level.
Indicator light (5) should illuminate when heater is on.
(5) To shut down the NBC system, use the following procedure:
(a) Unmask crew and patients when all clear is sounded.
(b) Remove mask air lines from heater outlets.
(c) Install protective caps on heater outlets.
(d) Position switch on NBC control box to "OFF" position.
(e) Clean/decontaminate and stow NBC gear.