TM 9-2320-280-10(3) The NBC heaters (6) supply heated air to protective mask facepiecesconnected to the GPFU system. Five heaters are installed in the M996 andM996A1 ambulances; three in the patient compartment and two in the cab. Sevenheaters are installed in the M997, M997A1, and M997A2 ambulances; five in thepatient compartment and two in the cab. When the heater (6) is not in use, theprotective cap (9) should be installed in the heater (6) outlet. The cap (9) is a one-way check valve allowing air to flow in only one direction, outward from theheater (6). This reduces the potential risk of NBC contamination to the vehicle'sNBC system. The heater (6) is activated by turning the temperature controlknob (8) clockwise and adjusting to the desired heat level. The indicator light (7)will illuminate when the heater (6) is in operation(4) The NBC control box (11) is mounted in the cab above and behind thepassenger position. It houses the control switch (13) for the system and a fusepanel (12). A diagram (15) on the control box (11) shows heater location andidentifies the fuse responsible for each heater circuit (16). Spare fuses are alsopresent.(5) To replace a NBC fuse (10), simply pull it straight out of the fusepanel (12). Check fuse (10) for an open fuse element or a melted fuse link (14). Ifthe fuse (10) is damaged, replace with a new fuse (10). All fuses in the NBCcontrol box are 20 amp.2-215
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