TM 9-2320-280-10
NBC filters do not protect against carbon monoxide poisoning.
NBC filters do not decontaminate or neutralize contamination, they
only collect and contain it.
NBC contaminated filters must be handled using adequate
precaution (FM 3-5) and must be disposed of by trained
After Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical (NBC) exposure of this
vehicle, all air filters shall be handled with extreme caution.
Unprotected personnel may experience injury or death if residual
toxic agents or radioactive material are present. Servicing
personnel will wear protective overgarments, mask, hood, and
chemical protective gloves and boots. All contaminated air filters
will be placed into double-lined plastic bags and moved
immediately to a temporary segregation area away from the work
site. If contaminated by radioactive dust, the Company NBC
team will measure the radiation before removal. The NBC team
will determine the extent of safety procedures required. The
temporary segregation area will be marked with the appropriate
NBC signs. Final disposal of contaminated air filters will be in
accordance with local SOP.
Failure to observe above warnings may result in injury or death.
a. General
(1) For operation in an NBC environment, M996, M996A1, M997, M997A1,
and M997A2 ambulances are equipped with a collective NBC protection system
known as a Gas-Particulate Filter Unit (GPFU). The GPFU forces filtered,
temperature-controlled air to the facepiece of the M25 series protective mask or
the M13 series patient protective mask, increasing NBC protection, easing
breathing effort, and reducing stress and heat fatigue during extended periods of
NBC operation.
(2) The GPFU system mounted in M996 and M996A1, M997, M997A1, and
M997A2 ambulances include the following components:
M1A1-19 precleaner (blower)/particulate filter unit
M18 gas filters (two per vehicle)
NBC control panel and wiring harness
Five or seven individual NBC heaters
PVC or flex tubing to connect filter precleaner/particulate filter
and heaters.
b. Component Location and Identification.
(1) The precleaner/particulate filter unit (6) and the two gas filters (5) are
located in the NBC stowage compartment above the driver's position. In the
M997, M997A1, and M997A2 ambulances, entry to this compartment is gained by
unlatching the two paddle locks (1) and securing the NBC access door (2) to the
ceiling (3) with the door catch (4).