TM 9-2320-387-24-2
e. Rack Piston Group Inspection and Repair
If rack piston internal worm thread, worm thread, or ball bearings are
broken, chipped, or moderately or badly scored, replace all three parts.
Inspect rack piston (7) for breaks, burrs, chipped seal grooves (81, crossed or stripped threads,
cracked or broken gear teeth (3), and broken, chipped or scored internal worm thread. Repair minor
burrs and scoring with fine mill file or crocus cloth. Repair minor thread damage. Replace rack
piston (7) if gear teeth (3) are cracked or broken or other damage is unrepairable.
Inspect twenty-four ball bearings (6) for breaks, chipped surface, flats, and scoring. Minor scoring
on ball bearings (6) is acceptable. Replace ball bearings (6) as a set if any one or more fails
inspection (refer to note above).
Inspect ball bearing guides (2) for bends, dents, and breaks and clamp (5) for bends and breaks.
Replace damaged parts.
Inspect screw-assembled washers (4) for crossed or stripped threads. Replace screw-assembled
washers (4) if damaged.
Inspect rack piston plug (1) for burred or rounded hex-flats and stripped or crossed threads. Replace
rack piston plug (1) if damaged.
f. Valve and Adjuster Group Inspection and Repair
Inspect valve body (17) for burrs, chipped or broken seal ring grooves (161, scoring on inner
bore (18), and wear. Repair minor burrs and scoring with crocus cloth. Valve body bore (18)
maximum I.D. is 1.1557 in. (29.355 mm) and valve body (17) minimum O.D. (15) is 2.0150 in.
(51.181 mm). Replace valve body (17) if worn or unrepairable.
Inspect valve (14) for burrs, cracks, blocked oil passages (19), chipped or cracked seal ring groove,
scoring, and wear. Spool valve (14) minimum O.D. (13) is 1.152 in. (29.26 mm). Remove minor burrs
and scoring with crocus cloth and clear blocked oil passages (19). Replace valve (14) if worn or
Inspect stub shaft (9) for bends, cracks, breaks, damaged pin (12), bent or twisted splines (111, and
worn bearing journal (10). Bearing journal (10) minimum O.D. is 1.2495 in. (31.737 mm). Replace
stub shaft (9) if worn or damaged.
Inspect worm shaft (20) for bends, breaks, burrs, chipped threads (211, and scoring. Remove minor
burrs and scoring with fine mill file or crocus cloth. Replace worm shaft (20) if damage is
unrepairable (refer to note before step e.1).
Inspect adjuster plug (22) for cracks, breaks, crossed or stripped threads, chipped retainer grooves,
and seal ring surface. Replace plug (22) if damaged.
Inspect adjuster plug needle bearing (23) for damage (TM 9-214) and wear. Replace needle
bearing (23) if damaged or I.D. is worn over 1.2505 in. (31.763 mm). If damaged or worn, replace
needle bearing (23) as follows.
a. Using adjuster plug bearing remover/installer, remove bearing (23) from adjuster plug (22).
b. Lubricate adjuster plug (22) and bearing (231 with hydraulic fluid.
c. Using adjuster plug bearing remover/installer, install bearing (23) 0.625 in. (15.88 mm) deep in
adjuster plug (22).
Outer edge of bearing is marked with identification number.
Inspect bearing retainer (241, thrust bearing spacer (251, small race (261, upper thrust bearing (271,
and large race (28) for damage (TM 9-214). Replace all items if one item is damaged.
Inspect lower thrust bearing (30) and two races (291 for damage (TM 9-214). Replace all items if any
one is damaged.