TM 9-2320-387-24-l
2- 15. INSPECTION (Co&d)
c. Bearings. Check all bearings for conformance to applicable repair standards. Refer to TM 9-214.
d. Bushings and Bushing-Type Bearings.
(1) Check all bushings and bushing-type bearings for secure fit, evidence of heating, wear, burrs,
nicks, and out-of-round condition.
(2) Check for dirt in lubrication holes or grooves. Holes and grooves must be clean and free from
e. Machined Parts.
(1) Check machined parts for cracks, distortion, and damage.
(2) Check all surfaces for nicks, burrs, and raised metal.
f. Studs, Bolts, Capscrews, and Nuts. Replace if bent, loose, stretched, or threads are damaged.
g. Gears.
When gear teeth wear limits are not established, good judgment is
required to determine if gear replacement is necessary
(1) Inspect all gears for cracks and missing teeth Replace if cracked or teeth are missing.
(2) Inspect gear teeth for wear, sharp fins, burrs, and galled or pitted surfaces.
(3) Inspect splines for wear, burrs, and galled or pitted surfaces.
(4) Check keyway slots for wear and/or damage.
h. Oil Seals. Oil seals are mandatory replacement items.
i. Casting Plugs. Inspect for leakage. Replace plugs when leakage is present.
j. Springs. Inspect for damaged, distorted, and collapsed coils.
k. Snaprings, Retaining Rings, and Washers. Many of these parts are mandatory replacement
items. Inspect all others for obvious damage.
2- 16. REPAIR
a General Instructions. Repair of most parts and components is limited to general procedures
outlined in applicable maintenance instructions and the following detailed procedures b through g.
Repaired items must be thoroughly cleaned to remove metal chips
and abrasives to prevent them from entering working parts of
vehicle components.
b. Castings.
(1) All cracked castings will be replaced.
(2) Only minor repairs to machined surfaces, flanges, and gasket mating surfaces are permitted.
Remove minor nicks, burrs, and/or scratches br:
(a) Using fine mill file.
(b) Using abrasive cloth dipped in cleaning solvent.
(cl Lapping across a surface plate.
(d) Remachining of machined surfaces to repair damage, warpage, or uneven surfaces is not
permitted. Replace castings.
(3) Repair damaged threaded pipe plug and/or capscrew holes with a thread tap, or repair oversize
holes with threaded inserts.