TM 9-2320-387-24-l
a. SIX/ICE-R Description and Operation. The following describes the operation of the Simplified Test
Equipment/Internal Combustion Engines-Reprogrammable WE/ICE-R1 system and contains detailed
operating procedures. It is used to test the serviceability of HMMWV vehicles and to perform primary fault
detection and isolation. At& the technician has identified a faulty part or subsystem, he is referred to a
paragraph number for replacement or repair procedures for individual parts.
b. Description and Operatim. STEACE-R is a testing system that performs tests and measurements on
internal combustion engines. SlWICE-R measures standard voltage, current, resistance, pressure, temperature,
and speed. Special tests, such as compression balance tests and starter system evaluations, are performed by
STlYICE-R. Standard equipment functions, including vacuum pressure gauge, compression gauge, low-
current tester and multimeter, are features of the STEACE-R set. STE/ICE-R is portable and operates on
either 12. or 24.volt vehicle batteries or equivalent power source. The STEJCE-R system consists of a Vehicle
Test Meter WTM), a Transducer Kit (TK), four electrical cables, a transit case, and technical publications.
c. Vehicle Test Meter.
L General. The VTM provides a method for the technician to test vehicle electrical and mechanical
components. Readings are either pass/fail indications or digital displays in units familiar to the technician
(psi, rpm, volts, ohms, amps, etc.). The Diagnostic Connector Assembly (DCA) is permanently mounted in the
vehicle and provides accessibility to the most frequently needed test points. The use of the VTM through the
DCA is referred to as DCA mode. The VTM interfaces with the vehicle directly with a transducer(s) from the
Transducer Kit (TK). The use of the VTM through the TK is referred to as TK mode. The DCA and the TK
can be used at the same time. This may be necessary when the diagnostic connector assembly has a missing
transducer. If a transducer is missing, a no sensor indication (E002) is displayed when a measurement is
made. If this happens, the TK mode can be used to make the measurement. The use of the VTM through the
DCA and TK is referred to as the combined mode. Additional tests can be done that involve manually probing
and/or connecting transducers to appropriate test points. Operating power for the VTM is drawn from the
vehicle batteries or some equivalent battery source. Power is routed to the VTM through the DCA connected
to the battery. The STE/ICE-R general purpose testing capabilities that may be applied to the vehicle are:
O-1,000 psi pressure, O-45 volts DC, and 0-40k ohms resistance. The following control functions can be
performed in conjunction with the special tests: Interleave (displays rpm with next test), Display Maximum
Value, Display Minimum Value, and Display Peak-to-Peak Value.
2. Controls and Indicators.
The controls and readout display on the VTM are illustrated. The
following paragraphs describe how the controls are used and how the display functions:
(a) Power Switch (PUSH ON/PULL OFF). The power switch controls
DC power to the VTM. The
WM can operate from a 12.or 24volt battery system. When the power switch is pushed in (PUSH ON), the
VTM power is on. To shut the VTM off, pull out the power switch (PULL OFF). The power switch contains a
Pamp circuit breaker. The power switch will pop out automatically if something is wrong which causes the
VTM to use more power than it should. If the switch pops out, check your hookup carefully and try again
before returning the VTM to direct support maintenance.
(b) TEST SELECT Switches. The TEST SELECT switches are used to select the actual test to be
performed. There are 10 positions on each switch numbered 0 through 9. The number dialed into these
switches is read by the WM when you press the test button. Changing the TEST SELECT switch positions
has no effect until the TEST button is pushed.
(cl TEST Button. Depressing and releasing the TEST button causes the test measurement to begin.
Observe the measured value on the readout display. The reading will be in units normally used for the
particular vehicle measurement. These units are listed on the flip cards. The TEST button must be pressed
and immediately released. Depressing and holding the TEST button down initiates an offset test. Offset tests
are described in TM 9-4910-571-12&P.