TM 9-2320-387-24-l REFERENCE INFORMATION -- -I First, check the air fitter restriction gauge on the dashboard, just to the left of the steerlng wheel. and make a note of its reading. Open the air cleaner cannister, remove the air cleaner element and inspect it for dirt and other contaminants. Replace air filter (para. 3-13). A clean air filter is whlte. If me condition of me filter does not agree wtth the gauge on me dashboard, make a note to check me gauge. See Instruments tests. page 2-305. Make sure that all mounting bolts are in place and tight. Look for obvious things like a crushed or cracked air filter or air inductiontube and check gaskets where possible. Replace induction system components (para. 3-12). i Look for damage caused by rocks such as bent pipes or holes and loose or broken clamps. Small dents (depth less than l/4 the diameter of the exhaust pipes) should not cause the pipes to be replaced as long as me pipes are intact Replace induction system components (para. 3-12). INTAKE AIR/ EXHAUST2-143
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