TM 9-2320-280-20-1
(2) Numerical Readout. This type of readout is the measured value in units of the measurement being
made. If you are measuring 0-45 volts dc, the number 24 on the display indicates 24 volts.
(3) Error Readout. This type of readout indicates that the wrong test number was selected, the
transducer is not connected, or the VTM is faulty.
(e) Flip Cards. The flip cards list the 2-digit test number system for selecting the various tests. The
cards also summarize the test and operating instructions contained herein.
(f) Power/DCA Connector J1. Connector J1 connects the VTM to either a vehicle diagnostic connector
using the DCA cable, or to the vehicle batteries using the power cable. Operating power and signals from
the installed transducers are supplied to the VTM through the DCA cable.