TM 9-2320-280-20-1Change 11-42.11-23.1. GENERATING SYSTEM OPERATION (100 AMPERE DUAL VOLTAGE ALTERNATOR)The 100-ampere dual voltage generating system maintains battery charge and provides electrical power tooperate vehicle circuits. Major components of the generating system are:BALTERNATOR (100 AMPERE)– Is rated at 28 volts at 100 amperes and 14 volts at 50 ampereswith external regulator. The alternator assists and recharges the vehicle batteries during operation.ABATTERY GAUGE – Indicates electrical system voltage. It is connected to the electrical systemthrough circuit 567.CPROTECTIVE CONTROL BOX / DISTRIBUTION BOX* – Protects the vehicle electric system inthe event battery polarity is reversed. Provides load dump, glow plug operation, and interfacing ofengine and body harnesses.DCIRCUIT 2 – Sends AC signal, indicating alternator shaft rpm, to frequency switch in protectivecontrol box to prevent operation of starter solenoid when engine is running.EBATTERIES – Two 12-volt batteries are connected in a series to provide 24 volts to start vehicle andassist alternator during operation.GPOSITIVE CABLE 6 – Provides 28-volt alternator output to maintain charge across two batteries. HFPOSITIVE CABLE 68A – Provides 16-volt alternator output to maintain charge across the lowerbattery.CIRCUIT 568 – Senses vehicle voltage, and activates the field current in the alternator circuit toalternator.CIRCUIT 3 – Connects to negative stud on alternator with engine ground strap to provide a groundcircuit to alternator.I* Distribution box provides same function as protective control box except distribution box does notprotect against reversal of battery polarity.
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