a. Service Interval Under Normal Conditions. Service intervals listed are
for normal operation in moderate temperatures, humidity, and atmospheric
conditions. Hard time intervals may be shortened if your lubricants are
contaminated or if you are operating the equipment under adverse conditions,
including longer-than-usual operating hours. Hard time intervals may be extended
during periods of low activity, though adequate preservation precautions must be
taken. Perform semi-annual service intervals every six months, or 3,000 miles
(4,827 km), whichever comes first.
b. Service Interval Under Unusual Conditions. Increase frequency of
lubricating service when operating under abnormal conditions such as high or low
temperatures, prolonged high speed driving, or extended cross-country operations.
Such operation can diminish lubricants protective qualities. More frequent
lubricating service intervals are necessary to maintain vehicle readiness when
operating under abnormal conditions.
c. Hard Time Intervals. Intervals shown in this appendix are based on
mileage and calendar times. An example of mileage and calendar interval is: 3/S, in
which 3 stands for 3,000 mi (4,827 km), and S stands for semiannually (every six
months). The lubrication for the vehicle is to be performed at whichever interval
occurs first. For equipment under manufacturers warranty, hard time oil service
intervals shall be followed.
d. Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP). HMMWV engines and
transmissions are enrolled in the Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP). The
sampling interval for the engine is every six months or 3,000 miles (4,827 km)
(or 100 hours if hour meter is installed) of operation. For the transmission, the
sampling interval is every 12 months or 6,000 miles (9,654 km) (or 300 hours if
hour meter is installed) of operation.
a. Changes in Lubricant Grades. Lubricant grades change with weather
conditions. Refer to Lubrication Table for lubricant grade changes.
b. Arctic Conditions. Refer to FM 9-207, Operation and Maintenance of
Ordnance Materiel in cold Weather (0°F to -65°F) (-18°C to -54°C), or the
Lubrication Table.
Refer to para 2-4 for appropriate corrosion control procedures.
TM 9-2320-280-10
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