TM 9-2320-280-10
Extreme care should be taken when removing surge tank filler cap
if temperature gauge reads above 165°F (74°C). Do not add coolant
to cooling system when engine is hot unless engine is running. Add
coolant slowly. Steam or hot coolant under pressure will cause
a. Raise and secure hood (para. 3-8).
b. Visually check coolant level. Surge tank level should be at COLD FILL
LINE" before operation and slightly above "COLD FILL LINE after operation. If
coolant is low, perform steps c through h.
c. Place a thick cloth over surge tank filler cap (1). Carefully turn cap (1)
counterclockwise to its first stop to allow cooling system pressure to escape.
d. After cooling system pressure is vented, push down and turn cap (1) counter-
clockwise to remove. Add coolant until surge tank level is at "COLD FILL LINE."
e. Start engine (para. 2-10) and run for one minute.
f. Stop engine (para. 2-12) and recheck coolant level. If coolant level is low, add
coolant until surge tank level is at "COLD FILL LINE."
g. Repeat steps e and f until surge tank level remains at COLD FILL LINE."
h. Install cap (1). Lower and secure hood (para. 3-8).