TM 9-2320-280-10
Perform steps 16 through 20 only if fording was in salt water.
(16) Slide rubber boot (15) back and inspect slave receptacle (16) for evidence of corrosion, RTV wash
out, or salt water penetration of RTV sealant. If any evidence of these conditions is found, report vehicle to unit
maintenance for corrective action. Do not connect slave receptacle positive lead (17).
(17) If no evidence of corrosion, RTV wash out, or salt water penetration of the RTV sealant is found,
slide rubber boot (15) on slave receptacle (16).
Do not allow tools to come in contact with vehicle when disconnecting or
connecting slave receptacle cable. Tool contact with vehicle will result in a direct
short, causing instant heating of tool, tool damage, and injury to personnel.
(18) Disconnect battery ground cable (18).
(19) Connect slave receptacle positive lead 49A (17) at power stud (19).
(20) Connect battery ground cable (18).