(2) Second. Find the figure covering the assembly group or subassembly group to which the item
(3) Third. Identify the item on the figure and use the Figure and Item Number Index to find the
b. When National Stock Number or Part Number is Known.
(1) First. Using the Index of National Stock Numbers and Part Numbers, find the pertinent
National Stock Number or Part Number. The NSN index is in National Item Identification Number (NIIN)
sequence (see 4.a.(1)). The part numbers in the Part Number index are listed in ascending alphanumeric
sequence (see 4.b.). Both indexes cross-reference you to the illustration figure and item number of the item
you are looking for.
(2) Second. After finding the figure and item number, verify that the item is the one youre looking
for, then locate the item number in the repair parts list for the figure.
7. How to Identify Engine Models.
The 1990 and above engines have some new and revised parts which are not interchangeable with parts for
previous model engines. Make sure you know which engine model you have before ordering replacement
The 1990 engine is identified by a decal which is adhered to the left rocker arm cover. The 6.5L engine is
identified by serial number bar code decal.
TM 9-2815-237-34P