TM 9-2320-387-24-l
DTC 59
Transmission Fluid Temperature (IXT)
Sensor Circuit High
(Low Temperature Indicated)
Circuit Description:
The TFT sensor is a thermistor that controls the
signal voltage to the TCM. The TCM supplies a
&volt reference signal to the sensor on TWC pin L.
When the transmission fluid is cold, the sensor
As the transmission fluid temperature warms to
normal transmission operating temperature 212°F
(lOOC), the sensor resistance becomes less and the
voltage decreases to approximately 1.5 to 2.0 volts
DTC 59 Wall Set Whenz
l Signal voltage indicates TFT less than
-34°F (-37°C).
l Condition is met for 1 second.
DTC 68
Transmission Component Slipping
Circuit Description:
The TCM monitors the difference in engine
speed and input speed.
Set Whew
TCC slip speed is greater than 200 rpm.
Fourth gear is indicated.
TCC is locked.
Not in park/neutral.
All conditions are met for 2 seconds.
Transmission range switch indicates D3
or D4.
Commanded gear indicates 2nd or 3rd gear.
All conditions are met for 2 seconds.
DTC 69
Torque Converter Clutch (ICC) Stuck ON
Circuit Descriptions
The TCM commands the TCC PWM solenoid ON by
modulating TCC signal fluid acting on the converter
clutch shift valve. Then TCC fluid applies the torque
converter clutch
DTC 69 Will Set When:
l RX slip speed rpm indicates between -5 and
+lO rpm.
l TCC solenoid is commanded OFF.
l TP sensor signal is greater than 25%.
DTC 71
Engine Speed Sensor Circuit Low
Circuit Description:
The Camsha& Position Sensor (CPS) detects the
rotational speed of the camshaft. As the camshaft
rotates, an AC signal is generated in the circuit.
This signal provides the input to determine engine
speed for use in various calculations including TCC
slip speed and overdrive ratio.
DTC 71 Wdl Set Whew.
l Engine speed is leas than 50 rpm.
l Transmission range indicates R, D4, D3, or Dl.
l Conditions are met for 2 seconds.