TM 9-2320-362-14&P
2-5. OPERATOR PMCS (Contd)
PMCS for designated intervals are performed
under usual operating conditions.
PMCS must
be performed more frequently when operating
under unusual conditions.
(3) Item To Be Inspected. Lists the system, common name, or location
of item to be inspected.
(4) Procedures.
Provides instructions for inspecting, servicing, or
cleaning, and in some cases, having item repaired at a higher level.
(5) Equipment Is Not Ready/Available.
Tells when and why equipment
cannot be used.
If vehicle is not able to perform the mission, equipment
will be reported as not ready/available.
Refer to DA Pam 738-750.
(1) Refer to TM 9-232-280-10 for general vehicle PMCS, if necessary.
(2) Use DA Form 2404 (DA Pam 738-750) and report malfunctions to
unit maintenance at once.
(3) Tools included with vehicle are to be used during PMCS. Wiping
rags are needed to remove dirt or grease.
Dirt, grease, oil, and debris may cover up
a serious problem.
Clean as you check and
follow precautions.