TM 9-2320-280-20-2
This task covers:
a. Removal
b. Installation
Manual References
General mechanics tool kit:
TM 9-2320-280-10
automotive (Appendix B, Item 1)
TM 9-2320-280-24P
Equipment Condition
Tiedown strap (Appendix G, Item 241)
Shift controls housing removed (para. 5-7 or 5-10).
Sealing compound (Appendix C, Item 44)
a. Removal
Prior to removal, tag leads for installation.
Perform steps 3 through 5 for M997A2. M1025A2, M1035A2,
M1043A2, M1045A2, and M1097A2 vehicles only. Perform
steps 1 and 2 for all other vehicles.
1. Remove rubber boot (4) from shift control housing assembly (1).
2. Remove neutral start switch (2) from shift control housing assembly (1).
3. Remove boot (10) from shift controls housing (6).
4. Remove two screws (8) and neutral start switch (7) from housing (6).
5. Remove tiedown strap (11) and neutral start switch leads (9) from backup light switch leads (12).
Discard tiedown strap (11).
b. Installation
Perform steps 1 through 3 for M997A2, M1025A2, M1035A2, M1043A2,
M1045A2, and M1097A2 vehicles only Perform steps 4 and 5 for all
other vehicles.
1. Install neutral start switch (7) on shift control housing (6) with two screws (8).
2. Install neutral start switch leads (9) on backup light switch leads (12) with tiedown strap (11).
3. Position neutral start switch leads (9), backup light switch leads (12), and light lead (13) through
boot (10), and install boot (10) on housing (6).
4. Apply sealing compound to threads of neutral switch (2), install neutral switch into shift control housing
assembly (1). Tighten neutral start switch (2) to 27-30 lb-ft (37-42 N m).
5. Install leads from neutral start switch (2) and shift selector indicator lead (5) through nipples (3) on
rubber boot (4) and install rubber boot (4) on shift control housing assembly (1).