TM 9-2320-280-20-1
3. Maximum Value (Test 03). This test displays the maximum value measured during a test. To
initiate a maximum value display, dial 03 into the TEST SELECT switches and press and release the TEST
button. The prompting message PASS will signal the technician to dial in the desired test number and again
press and release the TEST button. The maximum value is displayed and updated whenever a higher
maximum value is measured. Entering 03 and the test number again will reset the process and a new
maximum value will be displayed.
4. Peak-to-Peak Value (Test 04). This test displays the peak-to-peak value of 0-45 volts DC (89),
0-1500 amps DC (90), and battery volts (67). To start a peak-to-peak measurement, dial 04 into the TEST
SELECT switches and press the TEST button. The prompting message PASS will signal the operator to dial
in one of the three numbers (89, 90, 67) and again press the TEST button.