Check belts using the belt tension gauge, refer to
(para 3-82) (All except A2 Vehicles).
Do not overfill hydraulic fluid.
See TM 9-2320-280-10 for fluid replacement pro-
cedure. For bleeding procedure, refer to (para 8-29).
Low fluid level could indicate a problem elsewhere in
the system, either leaking hydraulic Iines or a leaking
or demaged power steering pump. lf adding fluid
seems to cure the problem, you should probably run
the reat of the tests to make sure there arent any
other problem.
A Ioose pump, pulley, or bracket could cause excess
noise, slipping belts, or other malfunctions. For appro-
priate repair or replacement procedures, refer to
(para 8-24).
TM 9-2320-280-20-1