TM 9-2320-280-20-1REFERENCE INFORMATIONALTERNATORChange 1 2-201BATTERY CURRENTSTE/ICE-R TEST 801. Start Test 80, battery current.2. Displayed reading is in amps. The reading willbe greater than 30 amps, depending on how manyaccessories you have on.Wire 5A is output path for 60 ampalternator. All other alternators have largestud on alternator case as outputconnector for wire 6. Alternator current willgo up as you turn on vehicle accessories.Turn on the lights, wipers, heater, etc. tomake sure alternator can supply enoughcurrent to power the loads.To replace 60 and 200 amp alternators,(refer to chapter 4). To replace 100 ampalternator, (refer to chapter 12).To replace 100, 200, and 400 amp dualvoltage alternators, (refer to chapter 4).NOTE
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