TM 9-2320-280-20-1
These Fuel System tests can be run any time you think there maybe a problem with the fuel system
or if you were sent here from another test.
If you are running this test because the engine runs rough remember that air intake and exhaust as
well as internal mechanical problems can also cause this condition.
At the bottom of this page is a simplified block diagram which shows how the different fuel system
components relate to each other. Refer to fold-out page FO-1, leave open for reference while you
are testing.
This set of tests maybe used when the engine is hard starting,
has low power or runs rough. Just follow the path, answering the
questions. Additional information and notes are given on the
facing page (like this one) when necessary. It is recommended
that you refer to your fold-out diagram now because it will help
you follow the testing.