TM 9-2320-280-10
Table 1-9. Transfer Case Data (218)
General Information
Model ............................................................................................................
New Process Gear 218 (MOD)
Type ...........................................................................................................
Two-speed, locking, chain driven
Oil type.........................................................................................................................................
Dexron® II
Damage to drivetrain will occur if transfer case ranges are not selected properly. Refer to paragraph 2-
11, Placing Vehicle in Motion, and paragraph 2-29, Operating on Unusual Terrain, for specific
Transfer Case Range Selection
Recommended Shift Lever Position
Operating Condition
"H" (high range)
This drive range shall be selected whenever possible.
High range should be used when operating on all
primary, secondary, and off-road surfaces, where little
or no wheel slippage exists. This range is also to be
used when encountering sharp, continuous turns on
high traction surfaces.
"H/L" (high lock range)
This drive range shall be selected only when
continuous wheel slippage is evident; i.e., when
operating in mud, snow, loose sand, or on ice, and
increased control or additional traction is required.
"L" (low range)
This drive range shall be selected only when high
ranges do not provide sufficient power to negotiate
steep hills or downgrades. This range shall also be
used when the vehicle is mired and cannot be
extracted using the high lock range.
"N" (neutral)
Vehicle is disabled and must be towed.