TM 9-2320-280-10
(M998, M998A1, M1038, AND M1038A1)
Differences. The only difference between the M998 and M998A1 cargo/troop carriers and the M1038
and M1038A1 cargo/troop carriers is that the M998 and M998A1 do not have winches and the M1038 and
M1038A1 do. This difference affects:
Vehicle Length
Vehicle Weight
Shipping Dimensions
Approach Angle
Special Winch-Assisted Operations
It does not affect the basic purpose, performance, or special limitations of the vehicles.
Purpose of the Vehicle. M998, M998A1, M1038, and M1038A1 cargo/troop carriers are used to
transport equipment, materials, and/or personnel. The cargo carrier is capable of transporting a payload
(including crew) of 2,500 pounds (1,134 kilograms). The troop carrier is capable of transporting a two-man crew
and eight passengers. Both use a troop seat kit for troop transport operations. The cargo/troop carrier also has
a four-man crew configuration. The M1038 and M1038A1 are equipped with winches. This feature permits
recovery operations of similar vehicles.
Performance. Fully-loaded M998, M998A1, M1038, and M1038A1 cargo/troop carriers will climb road
grades as steep as 60% (31°) and traverse a side slope of up to 40% (22°). The vehicle fords hard bottom
water crossing up to 30 inches (76 centimeters) without a deepwater fording kit and 60 inches (152 centimeters)
with the kit. Refer to table 1-15 for cruising range.
Special Limitations. None.
Special Instructions in the Manual.
(1) Refer to paragraph 2-2, Controls, Indicators, and Equipment.
(2) Refer to paragraph 2-44, Troop Seat Kit Operation.
(3) Refer to chapter 2, section V, Cargo/Troop Carrier and S250 Shelter Carrier Operation.