TM 9-2320-280-10
When necessary to temporarily operate transfer case in H/L" (high lock range) or
L" (low range) when additional traction is needed to prevent wheel slippage,
avoid sharp continuous turns. Failure to avoid sharp continuous turns while
operating transfer case in locked ranges may cause damage to drivetrain.
Immediately after operation in H/L" (high lock range) or L" (low range), ensure
transfer case is shifted to H (high range) to avoid damage to drivetrain. If any
noises from drivetrain components are heard, ensure that transfer case range is
properly selected.
For proper transfer case range selection, refer to table 1-9. If transfer case range selection is peculiar to
an unusual operating condition, it will be specified in the applicable paragraph.
a. General Rules. Driving off-road over rough or unusual terrain basically requires using good driving
sense. Experience is the best teacher, but there are a few good rules to keep in mind when you are in that kind
of driving situation.
Use extreme caution when transporting personnel. Rollover protection is available for the
crew area only and is not provided in the troop/cargo area. Although certain design
characteristics of the vehicle, such as vehicle width, ground clearance, independent
suspension, etc., provide improved capabilities, accidents can still happen.
Operators are reminded to observe basic safe driving techniques/skills when operating the
vehicle, especially when transporting personnel. Vehicle speed must be reduced consistent
with weather and road/terrain conditions. Obstacles such as stumps and boulders must be
avoided. Failure to use basic safe driving techniques/skills may result in injury or death to
personnel and damage to equipment.
Use H/L (high lock range) or L (low range) only when absolutely required by the conditions
identified in table 1-9. After operations on unusual terrain, be sure to shift the transfer case from H/L" (high
lock range) or "L" (low range) to H (high range) to avoid damaging drivetrain components.
Select proper transmission and transfer case driving ranges. Refer to table 1-7 or table 1-8 for
transmission range selections. For transfer case range selections, refer to table 1-9.
Keep engine at a moderate speed. The engine works at its best pace in the mid-range revolutions
per minute (rpms). You can slow down or speed up quickly without changing gears if you get into a tight spot.
Use the transmission shift lever and transfer case shift lever to control the engine speed.
Attempt to keep wheels from spinning. If the wheels start to spin, ease off the accelerator pedal
until the wheels regain traction.
The instructions for placing vehicle in motion (para. 2-11) also apply to operating on unusual