CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-9-2320-280-10_17MAINTENANCE FORMS AND RECORDSEQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENT REPORT AND MAINTENANCE DIGEST (EIR MD) - TM-9-2320-280-10_19CARGO/TROOP CARRIERS (M998, M998A1, M1038, AND M1038A1)MAN SOFT TOP INSTALLED)HEAVY VARIANT CARGO/TROOP CARRIERS (M1097, M1097A1, M1097A2, AND M1123)M1097 AND M1097A1 (WITH 2-MAN SOFT TOP INSTALLEDTOW CARRIERS, ARMORED (M966, M966A1, M1036, AND M1121)M1036 W/WINCHTOW CARRIERS, W/SUPPLEMENTAL ARMOR (M1045, M1045A1, M1045A2, M1046, AND M1046A1)M1046 AND M1046A1 W/WINCHARMAMENT CARRIERS, ARMORED (M1025, M1025A1, M1025A2, M1026, AND M1026A1)M1025 AND M1025A1 (WITH M60, 7.62 MM MACHINE GUN MOUNTED)ARMAMENT CARRIERS, W/SUPPLEMENTAL ARMOR (M1043, M1043A1, M1043A2, M1044, AND M1044A1M1044 AND M1044AI W/WINCH (WITH M2, CAUBER .50 MACHINE GUN MOUNTED)S250 SHELTER CARRIERS (M1037 AND M1042)M1042 W/WINCH2-ULITTER AMBULANCES, ARMORED (M996 AND M996A1); 4-LITTER AMBULANCES, ARMORED (M997, M997A1, AND M997A2)M997A22-LITTER AMBULANCES, SOFT TOPM1035A2TABULATED DATA - TM-9-2320-280-10_38CapacitiesGeneral Service DataEngine Data (6.2 L)Transmission Data (3L80)Transfer Case Data (218)Transfer Case Data (242)Maximum Vehicle Operating Speeds (3L80 Transmission)Vehicle Dimensions (All except M1123 and A2 Vehicles)Vehicle Dimensions (M1123 and A2 Vehicles)Vehicle Cruising Range6,000 lb Winch DataCurb WeightCHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Section I. DESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR'S CONTROLS AND INDICATORSCONTROLS, INDICATORS, AND EQUIPMENTITEM AND FUNCTION - TM-9-2320-280-10_53Directional signal lever activates turn signal lightsWindshield washerRadio rackEngine Compartmentransmission oil dipstick tubeITEM AND FUNCTION - TM-9-2320-280-10_59ITEM AND FUNCTION - TM-9-2320-280-10_60Vehicle ExteriorWindshield folddown hingesHood latches TOW Carrier (M966, M996A1, M1036, M1045, M1045A1, M1045A2, M1046, and M1046A1) EquipmentTOW Carrier (M966, M996A1, M1036, M1045, M1045A1, M1045A2, M1046, and M1046A1) Equipment Cont.Telephone set footman loops Missile stowage rackNight sight battery case stowage brackets Gunners platform urret positioning handleissile guidance set retaining latches Camouflage screen stowage strapsPower connector Armament Carrier (M1025, M1025A1, M1025A2, M1026, M1026A1, M1043, M1043A1, M1043A2, M1044, and M1044A1) EquipmentSpare barrel and cleaning kit footman loops and strapsGun mount adapter plateArmament Carrier (M1025, M1025A1, M1026, M1026A1) Equipment (cargo barrier and net kit)81 MM Mortar Carrier (M998, M998A1, M1038, and M1038A1) Equipmentroop seat supportS250 Shelter Carrier (M1037 and M1042) EquipmentSoft Top Ambulance (M1035, M1035A1, and M1035A2) EquipmentFour-Litter Ambulance (M997, M997A1, and M997A2) Equipment.Rear door handles - TM-9-2320-280-10_83Safety strap - TM-9-2320-280-10_84Retention cable assembliesAir-conditioning louvers ortable heart monitor stowageUpper litter rackLitter rack handle Intercom control Attendant seatNBC door paddle handleNBC control boxTwo-Litter Ambulance (M996 and M996A1) EquipmentRear door handles - TM-9-2320-280-10_95Electrical control panelsBlanket set stowage strap assemblySpotlight mountSpineboard bracket and strap assemblyITEM AND FUNCTION - TM-9-2320-280-10_100NBC door NBC heaters The NBC control boxSafety strap - TM-9-2320-280-10_104Attendant seat Troop/Cargo Winterization Kit EquipmentDome light Rear door Skid stripsCLEANING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-2320-280-10_110General Cleaning Instructions - TM-9-2320-280-10_111PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)FLUID LEAKAGECrewmemberreventive Maintenance Checks and Services TablePreventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_116Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_117Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_118Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_119Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_120Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_121Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_122Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_123Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_124Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_125Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_126Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_127Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_128Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_129Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_130Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_131Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_132Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_133Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_134Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_135Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_136Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_137Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_138Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_139Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_140Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_141Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_142Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_143Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_144Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_145Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_146Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_147Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_148Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_149Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_150Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_151Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_152Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_153CorrosionWinchTOWZippersSection III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSChange 1If ambient temperature is above 0F (-18C)PLACING VEHICLE IN MOTIONExtreme caution shall be taken when transporting personnelSTOPPING THE VEHICLE AND ENGINEA1, A2, AND M1123 MODELSOPERATION OF VEHICLE LIGHT SWITCHNOTE:ADJUSTING DRIVERS SEATCOMPANION SEAT ASSEMBLY AND BATTERY BOX COVER REPLACEMENTSEATBELT OPERATIONDEFROSTER OPERATION (ALL EXCEPT A2 VEHICLES)DEFROSTER OPERATION (A2 VEHICLES)HEATER OPERATION (ALL EXCEPT A2 VEHICLES)HEATER OPERATION (A2 VEHICLES)TAILGATE OPERATIONPIONEER TOOL STOWAGE RACK OPERATIONTool InstallationTool Stowage Rack InstallationMAX TOOL KIT STOWAGE OPERATIONReversible Rake/Hoe AttachmentSLAVE STARTING OPERATIONTOWING OPERATIONTowing Vehicle from Front (Four Wheels on Ground)Towing Vehicle from Front (Front Wheels Up)Towing Vehicle from Rear (Rear Wheels Up)Towing S250 Shelter Vehicle from Rear (Rear Wheels Up)Proceed with towing operationsTowing M996, M996A1, M997, M997A1, and M997A2 Ambulance Vehicles from Rear (Rear Wheels Up)TRAILER TOWINGVehicle Trailer Towing Requirements TableELECTRIC WINCH OPERATIONSecuring Winch After OperationHYDRAULIC WINCH OPERATIONUnwinding Winch CablePulling LoadHYDRAULIC WINCHMALFUNCTIONSection IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSOPERATING ON UNUSUAL TERRAINUnusual Terrain Driving TechniquesOPERATING IN EXTREME COLD, ON ICE, OR SNOWOPERATING IN DUSTY, SANDY AREASOPERATING IN MUDOPERATING IN EXTREME HEATDuring OperationSHALLOW WATER FORDING OPERATIONDuring Operation.After OperationDEEP WATER FORDING OPERATIONRetain all parts removed for reuseRemove three locknutsBattery positive cable must remain on power studExit water in area with gentle slopeStop engineLoosen clampSlide rubber boot RUNFLAT OPERATIONSStarting Arctic HeaterStopping Arctic Heater - TM-9-2320-280-10_218Heating Cab with Arctic Heater - TM-9-2320-280-10_219ARCTIC OPERATION (A2 VEHICLES)Close battery box door Stopping Arctic Heater - TM-9-2320-280-10_222Heating Cab with Arctic Heater - TM-9-2320-280-10_223TROOP/CARGO WINTERIZATION HEATER OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSShutting Heater OffSection V. CARGO/TROOP CARRIER AND S250 SHELTER CARRIER OPERATIONTROOP SEAT KIT OPERATIONREMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF TWO-MAN CREW AREA SOFT TOP ENCLOSURERoll cab roof coverRemoval of Rear Curtain - TM-9-2320-280-10_230Installation of Cab Roof Cover, Rails, and Bow AssemblyInstallation of Soft Top DoorsInstallation of Troop Area Enclosure.Removal of Cab Roof Cover, Rails, and Bow AssembliesInstallation of Rails, Bow Assemblies, and Cab Roof CoverRemoval of Rear Curtain - TM-9-2320-280-10_236Installation of Rear CurtainREMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF FOUR-MAN CARGO AREA SOFT TOP ENCLOSUREInstallation of BowsREMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF S250 SHELTER CARRIER REAR SUSPENSION TIEDOWN KITInstallation of S250 Rear Suspension Tiedown KitREMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF CARGO BARRIER EXTENSIONInstallation of Cargo Barrier ExtensionRemoval of Cargo Barrier and NetInstallation of Cargo Barrier and NetSection VI. TOW/ARMAMENT CARRIER OPERATIONRaising and Lowering Forward End of Cargo Shell DoorCargo Shell Door Emergency ServiceInspect right rear latch mechanism again to ensure striker TOW WEAPON STATION OPERATIONARMAMENT WEAPON STATION OPERATIONGUNNER'S PLATFORM OPERATIONSECTION VII. AMBULANCE OPERATIONLoading Litters on Litter RacksREMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF SOFT TOP AMBULANCE (M 1035, M1035A1, AND M1035A2) ENCLOSURERemoval of Roof Cover, Rails, and Bow AssembliesRemoval of Rear BowInstall grommetsAMBULANCE REAR STEP ASSEMBLY OPERATIONAMBULANCE INTERIOR ELECTRICAL CONTROLSBlackout Light OperationM996 and M996A1 Heater OperationM997, M997A1, and M997A2 Heater OperationAMBULANCE LITTER RACK OPERATIONLoading Litters on Lower Litter RackUnloading Litters from Upper Litter RacksLoading Litters on Upper Litter RacksFolding Upper Litter Rack to the Backrest Position.Adjust strapsFold and Stow Litter Rail Extensionclockwise to secure doorOpening Patient Seat to Accommodate Ambulatory PatientsClosing Patient Seat to Accommodate Litter PatientsAMBULANCE NBC SYSTEM OPERATIONComponent Location and Identification. In the M996 and M996A1 ambulancesThe NBC heaters NBC System OperationTo shut down the NBC systemCHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS SECTION I. LUBRICATIONSECTION II. TROUBLESHOOTINGTable 3-1. TroubleshootingEXCESSIVE EXHAUST SMOKE AFTER ENGINE REACHES NORMAL OPERATING TEMPERATURE 190-230F (88-110C)HOT WATER PERSONNEL HEATER FAILS TO PRODUCE HEAT AFTER ENGINE REACHES OPERATING TEMPERATUREPOOR SERVICE BRAKING ACTIONHARD STEERINGALL CEILING WHITE UGHTS, BLACKOUT UGHTS, AND SPOTLIGHTS FAIL TO ILLUMINATEPOOR HEATING, VENTILATING, OR AIR-CONDITIONING PERFORMANCESection III. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESLowering hoodSERVICING COOLANT SURGE TANKFUEL FILTER MAINTENANCE - TM-9-2320-280-10_292SERVICING BATTERIESFIRST-AID KIT RELOCATIONFirst-aid Kit InstallationPARKING BRAKE ADJUSTMENT AND CLEANINGSERVICING WINDSHIELD WASHER RESERVOIRNBC contaminated filtersAir Filter Element CleaningAIR CLEANER DUMP VALVE SERVICINGENGINE OIL SERVICINGPLASTIC WINDOW CLEANINGTRANSMISSION FLUID SERVICINGPOWER STEERING FLUID SERVICINGFUEL TANK SERVICINGthe fuel cap handleTIRE CHAIN INSTALLATION AND REMOVALRadial Tire Chain RemovalBias Ply Tire Chain InstallationBias Ply Tire Chain RemovalEMERGENCY FAN CLUTCH OVERRIDEREARVIEW MIRROR ADJUSTMENT (FOR VEHICLE SERIAL NUMBER 99,999 AND BELOW)REARVIEW MIRROR ADJUSTMENT (FOR VEHICLE SERIAL NUMBER 100,000 AND ABOVE)WHEEL ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTWheel Assembly InstallationM997, M997A1, and M997A2 Filter RemovalInspectionM996 AND M996A1 ONLYAMBULANCE INTERIOR LIGHT BULB REPLACEMENTSpotlight Bulb InstallationRESTRAINING NET INSTALLATION - TM-9-2320-280-10_321APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-9-2320-280-10_322TECHNICAL MANUALSAPPENDIX B COMPONENTS OF END ITEM AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSCOMPONENTS OF END ITEMBASIC ISSUE ITEMS - TM-9-2320-280-10_326BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_327BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_328BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_329BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_330BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_331BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_332BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_333BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_334BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_335APPENDIX C ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_338ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_339APPENDIX D EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS UST SECTION I. INTRODUCTIONSection II. EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST - TM-9-2320-280-10_341EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_342EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_343EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_344EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_345APPENDIX E STOWAGE AND SIGN GUIDESIGN GUIDESIGN GUIDE Cont.LOCATION OF CREW AREA AND EXTERIOR DECALS AND DATA PLATESPlate, NBC fuse control boxDecal, warning, body heaterPlate, control system heating/ventilationTOW CARRIER (M966, M966A1, M1036, M1045, M1045A1, M1045A2, M1046, M1046A1STOWAGE LOCATION DECALSCARGO/TROOP CARRIER (M998, M998A1, M1038, AND M1038A1)LOCATION OF TRANSPORTING AMMUNITION DECALCARGO/TROOP CARRIER (M998, M998A1, M1038, AND M1038A1) WITH WINTERIZATION KIT INSTALLEDAPPENDIX F ON-VEHICLE EQUIPMENT LOADING PLANSTOW CARRIER STOWAGE PLANTOW CARRIER STOWAGE PLAN Cont.Missile Guidance Set (MGS)INTERNAL TOP VIEWARMAMENT CARRIERS W/SUPPLEMENTAL ARMOR LOAD PLANARMAMENT CARRIER W/SUPPLEMENTAL ARMOR STOWAGE PLAN - TM-9-2320-280-10_364ARMAMENT CARRIERS W/SUPPLEMENTAL ARMOR LOAD PLAN A2 VEHICLESARMAMENT CARRIER W/SUPPLEMENTAL ARMOR STOWAGE PLAN - TM-9-2320-280-10_366ARMAMENT CARRIER STOWAGE PLAN (USAF) (MK19/M60 MACHINE GUN)MG ammunition brackets hold (1) 40 mm or up to (3) 7.62 mm ammunition cansARMAMENT CARRIER LOAD PLAN (MK19/40 MM)ARMAMENT CARRIER STOWAGE PLAN (40 MM)ARMAMENT CARRIER LOAD PLAN (M2/.50 CAL)ARMAMENT CARRIER (M2/.50 CAL) ARMY STOWAGE PLANRMAMENT CARRIER LOAD PLAN (M60/7.62 MM)ARMAMENT CARRIER STOWAGE PLAN (M60/7.62 MM)M997, M997A1, AND M997A2 AMBULANCE LOAD PLANAMBULANCE STOWAGE PLAN - TM-9-2320-280-10_376M996 AND M996A1 AMBULANCE LOAD PLANAMBULANCE STOWAGE PLAN - TM-9-2320-280-10_378HEAVY VARIANT STOWAGE PLAN - TM-9-2320-280-10_379HEAVY VARIANT STOWAGE PLAN - TM-9-2320-280-10_380APPENDIX G LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSLUBRICATION INTERVALSLubricationFUEL REQUIREMENTS LUBRICATION POINTSLUBRICANT INTERVALA REFERENCE TO THE LOCALIZED VIEW (LV) IS PROVIDED AFTER LUBRICATION POINTLUBRICATION POINTS (Cont'd)LUBRICATION POINTS (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_389LUBRICATION POINTS (Contd) - TM-9-2320-280-10_390LOCALIZED LUBRICATION POINTS - TM-9-2320-280-10_391LOCALIZED LUBRICATION POINTS - TM-9-2320-280-10_392LOCALIZED LUBRICATION POINTS Cont. - TM-9-2320-280-10_393LOCALIZED LUBRICATION POINTS Cont. - TM-9-2320-280-10_394Oil Can Points.Transmission - TM-9-2320-280-10_396Fuel filter maintenance - TM-9-2320-280-10_399Mirror adjustment, rearview (vehicle serial number 100,000 and above)Restraining net installation - TM-9-2320-280-10_401General Cleaning Instructions - TM-9-2320-280-10_402Weight, curb